Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back of a car

Here I sit in the backseat of my parents car listenening to big star on the headphones. It makes me question if we ever grow up, or if our parents always make us feel small. I now know that I can't fit in the backseat of my fathers car. I guess that you really do learn something new every day. If I try and sit up straight, you remember how you were told to when you were young, my head refuses to allow my back to straighten.

To compensate for this oversight, or growth as the case may be, I have to stretch my legs over to the drivers side of the car while keeping my butt firmly planted on the passenger side. There is just enough room to squeeze my feet into the space between the back of my fathers seat and the back seat. With my shoulder planted into the passenger door I can wedge my head in between the headrest and the door frame. Now that I have assumed this slightly awkward position I can't help but think, "I hope we don't have a wreck.". If an accident was to occur I'm pretty sure that the Conroe PD would need to remove their shoes to count the number of broken bones and injuries that I would display.

It's days like this that I really wish that my father wasn't so scared of my driving. We could all be comfortably lounging in the xterra right now. Hell, we'd probably already be there! Anyway, don't forget to think of this amateur contortionist as you make your way around town today, comfortable in your own vehicles...

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