Thursday, April 22, 2010

How is it...

That tee tee and pee pee are the same thing, but if you mix them together you get an Indian mobile home?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You know you are running late when the coffee guy has gone inside...

There is this guy that I have wanted to meet for months. The only problem is that when I see him, he's working and I don't want to distract him. That may not make much sense, but once I explain it should become clearer.

Every day on my way to work I see the same guy. He is dancing on the side of the road, and he never fails to get a smile from me. It really is the best way to start the day. In my mind this man has become the archetype of joy. Some local coffee shop pays him to stand out front and dance to the music that only he can hear, while holding their sign to promote their coffee.

Some might find this job demeaning, but he seems to have found true happiness. Even if his is fake, the effect that he has on me is real. Every morning I am blessed with happy thoughts of this "dancing fool" who doesn't seem to have a care in the world. To make the situation even better, his performance is generally the last thing I see before I'm parking and going to work. I hope that someday you all know how wonderful it is to arrive at work with a fresh reminder of how ridiculous the entire thing is every morning.

In response to his display I tend to start the day relaxed. People tell me that I am too laid back, and they ask why I never look stressed out. I owe a lot of it to this guy. The rest I owe to my ability to recognize happiness and my attempts at focusing on the positives.

Now that I think about it, I don't want to meet him after all. I'm pretty sure that a conversation could lessen the effect. Sometimes things are best left alone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The sweet tea debate

Why should I have to order unsweetened tea? Is there any other beverage that you have to special order to get it in it's natural state? Don't most of you that enjoy sweet tea order sweet tea? The only comparison that I can come up with is ordering undecaffeineated coke. It just seems like if I order iced tea, that is what I should get. If you then ask me if I want unsweet tea and I say yes, why do you still give me sweet tea? Is this an issue with language?

Personally, I think it is because of the name. Regardless of what you say, both names have sweet in them and I'm pretty sure that is all that is remembered. I remember reading a psychology study years ago that hypothesized that people are less effective at remembering negatives than positive statements. For this reason I propose that from here on out we refer to sweet tea as sweet tea and iced tea as iced tea. Hopefully if we do that my tastebuds can stop getting a sugar shock and I can go back to tasting my tea!

The Wildfire

to the casual observer
the wildfire appeared to have consumed all
the caustic blaze set by a single spark
spread throughout the field
it grew strong, bright, and warm
at its peak it was difficult to observe
consuming all that came in its path
now the field appears barren and cold
but the trained eye sees more
it is able to see the ember still burning
white heat just beneath the surface
a strong flame waiting for the right one
to stoke the fire and give it new life
a chance to become something
new and unseen

Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm always at my best...

when I'm alone. Solitude gives my mind time to reflect. I love people, and I love their company but their moods are very contagious to me. If I'm laying around chilling with someone who isn't feeling my company, I feel it and I try to change the situation.

It's for this reason that I have become the peace keeper. I hate it when I'm surrounded by people that I perceive to be negative. It doesn't take much for me to get swept up and feel what they are feeling. This leads me to try to hard to make every moment as relaxed and stress free as possible.

To avoid swimming in a sea of negativity, I police my friendships. If someone is making me feel negative instead of positive, I spend less time around them. The funny part is that I have been called out on it before and in that moment I'm completely honest, which typically ends a friendship. Because that friend was bad for me it is not a major loss.

On the other hand, I feel that it is important to note how much my friends mean to me. I know that I can be self centered and egotistic at times. Hopefully all of you know that I can also be completely selfless and sacrifice much in other moments.

Here I sit in a chilis in huntsville tx scarfing down some food before I return to the campsite an meet a lot of sfa undergrads and all that I can think is that I am blessed. I have the best friends in the world. Even if we have lost touch, I guarantee you that you are important to me than you know.

I was just thinking of you and I wanted to tell you all that you are special.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am rediscovering my happy place

For the last few weeks I have been out of sorts. I have been frustrated, tired, and just not myself. I wake up in the middle of the night with stomach pains, and I'm stressed out all of the time. Inwas convinced that the stress was due to work, but recent developments have made me doubt work as the source. Drifting is hard on the mind, and by working out possible plans I have combatted the fatigue associated with my lifestyle.

It has gotten so bad that today I actually felt myself turn the corner. I stepped out of the office on the way to lunch and I felt a warmth crawl through me. A smile spread across my face and I felt at peace. What has caused this change? Action. I have been worried about what-ifs and when's so much that I forgot to pay attention to the now.

Lunch wasn't perfect, but it was better than the perfect lunch I had on Tuesday, if only because I have remembered that everything comes and goes. I can still feel the tension now, but it is better knowing that it isn't going to last.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Life goals...

Today has been full of distractions. Some good, some neutral, but so far only one has stuck. I keep thinking about what I want to do while I'm here on this giant rock. Below you will find the list in no particular order...

1. Fly a plane
2. Dive the great barrier reef
3. Dive Los islotes with the hammerheads
4. Macchu picchu
5. Visit Alaska
6. Egypt
7. Edinburgh, Scotland
8. Hang gliding
9. Basejumping
10. Visit ahrensburg germany
11. Climb a mountain
12. Own a motorcycle
13. Release an album
14. Live abroad
15. Go sailing
16. Hawaii
17. Japan
18. Visit galapagos islands
19. New Zealand
20. Write a book