Monday, June 1, 2009


Somehow, there has been a break in the pace. Inertia had not taken the hold that I originally considered. Today has been absolutely dry. After dropping of JC at the airport, Maki and I picked up some food and returned to the house. It was the beginning of a day long hermitage. Our food was devoured immediately. The consumption was of the ferocity that can only exist in the world of a drunkard. Until then I had not realized that the intoxication had not passed in the night. Still reeling from the alcohol, sandwiches and chips disappeared at a rapid rate. There was no consideration for the food, and there was no thought. Only desire existed, and it was focused on nourishment. After the food was attacked and there was little evidence of a meal remaining, the TV was introduced into my consciousness. Soon afterwards I returned to the reality that can only be experienced in sleep.

While sleeping a fever took over my body. I awoke many times to dreams of being lost in the desert. My body hot and my tongue swollen. Today was like being in a tomb. There is a city of the dead backing up to the property in which I have enjoyed residence for the last week. I felt as if I was in one of those final resting places. My body being cooked under the New Orleans sun. They will come back to find me in one year and one day and all that will be left is the ashes and the memories of others. Night has arrived and the fight with insomnia has begun. The burning heat replaced with the thick evening air of the dirty south.

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