Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hogan's Heroes

I have been watching Hogan's Heroes for a long time. When I was a child I would watch the show when I was home sick. It has forever been imprinted in my mind that Hogan's Heroes is what you watch when you deserve a break. On that note, I have never watched the conclusion of the series. To tell the truth I have been scared to. When you have been watching a television show for a long time, it can be hard to finish it. I have owned the final season of the show on dvd for a few years.

I have literally been watching this show off and on for 20 years now. When I was in high school, my girlfriend would set her vcr so that it would record HH episodes when they played during the day. Once she had filled a cassette, she would give me the cassette filled with episodes.

Today I finally set down and watched the final disc of the final season of the series. Needless to say, I had built this up in my mind for some time. I was really excited and even a little nervous as the episodes came and went. Before I knew it, I was ready to watch the last episode. I considered procrastinating until another day, but eventually I decided to watch it and get it over with.

I won't spoil it for those of you who have watched this show, but some of you have probably watched the final episode without even knowing it. There was no conclusion. It was just like any other episode of the show. I haven't researched it because I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but I am quesioning as to whether they knew it was the end of the show.

There is a lesson to be learned here. Delaying happiness can increase the intensity of emotion, but you better be prepared for disappointment just in case. I think that this applies to all areas of life and not just entertainment. If you have something that makes you happy, do it. Don't wait until it is too late to follow your dreams.

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